Publication Schedule
The Energy Buyer’s Guide aims to provide subscribers with a consistent and informative flow of content, in addition to one-off special reports or features.
Below is the current weekly release schedule:
The Energy Buyer’s Guide covers the previous week's price action and fundamental market developments across the U.S. natural gas and electricity markets. It includes expert commentary & statistics, looking at both markets on a national and regional scale. The publication is released as a downloadable PDF.
Natural Gas Options Market Overview is a look into the current landscape of NYMEX natural gas options and the potential implication on the underlying commodity price. We will also provide a snapshot of current opportunities for options structures aimed at mitigating forward natural gas price risk. (Coming Soon!)
The Weekly Power Market Update features Blake Owen, Founder and Managing Partner at Pinebrook Energy Advisors. Blake records a weekly video update covering the major drivers across U.S. power markets. Each week’s presentation discusses noteworthy developments in load, generation, and price with a focus on what these developments mean to those charged with electricity purchasing decisions at large organizations.
Our Natural Gas Storage Report summarizes and contextualizes the weekly underground inventory data reported by the EIA. We dig into the market’s initial response to the data and what it might mean going forward.
The Natural Gas Market Talk is a weekly video update recorded by Andy Huenefeld, a Managing Partner at Pinebrook Energy Advisors. Andy hits the highlights of the natural gas market, touching on all of the most relevant fundamental and price developments of the past week. The scope of this presentation is national in nature, covering domestic production, exports, demand, near-term weather forecasts, storage and more.